Tonight I start travelling back to Santiago by boat, bus and air.
Beautiful blow of a blue whale. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Blue whale deep dive! Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Blue whale fluke. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Sampling with Wil. Credit: Felipe Gonzalez - Reserva Anihue |
Observations... Credit: Felipe Gonzalez - Reserva Anihue |
Wil pulling up the samples. Credit: Felipe Gonzalez - Reserva Anihue |
An exhausted Wil! Credit: Felipe Gonzalez - Reserva Anihue |
Loaded phytoplankton samples! This indicates full summer bloom conditions and lots of food for krill. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Casting the bongo net for sampling krill. Credit: Felipe Gonzalez - Reserva Anihue |
Euphausia vallentini Credit: Alex Machuca |
Swimming krill. Credit: Wilfredo Alarcon |
Filming a documentary about our blue whale research for National Television. Credit: Oliver Alarcon |
Cabala film crew on board. Credit: Oliver Alarcon |
Interviewing Captain Alex Machuca. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Team Anihue! Credit: Alex Machuca |
Having a rest. Credit: Felipe Gonzalez - Reserva Anihue |
Last day, leaving the Golfo Corcovado behind. Credit: Cristian Correa |
We met a huge group of hyperactive bottlenose one morning. Here is one playing in our wake. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Sea lion sunbathing in front of the Melimoyu volcano. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
The elusive Burmeister's porpoise in Melimoyu Bay. Credit: Oliver Alarcon |
Filming the bottlenose dolphins with a gopro for National Television. Credit: Susannah Buchan |
Blue whale blow hole. Credit: Susannah Buchan |